Saturday, 21 March 2020

The best of times, the worst of times

Times like this seem to bring out the best and worst in people. Because we are all feeling more stressed than usual it's not surprising that some people are grumpy or rude, or panicking and buying more than they need.  Let's try not to add to that, but ask God to grow his fruit in us: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness and self-control.  

At the same time there are some lovely stories going round of neighbourly help and encouragement.  Whenever you see a good story like that, thank God for those people.

Friday, 20 March 2020

Dear Friends

This morning I was reflecting on the tradition in the early church that led people to seek solitude in the desert of Egypt, and discover a life of prayer, worship and bible reading. The Desert Fathers, as they were known, renounced many of the normal worldly comforts but discovered the rich joy of knowing God more closely.  St Anthony was one of the leaders, and he attracted many followers. He is attributed with starting what become the monastic movement.

Perhaps at this time, although we are looking for imaginative ways of connecting with other, we should also embrace the solitude and look at it positively, seeing it as an extended time of Lent.

The psalmist says, Where can I go from your Spirit? Where can I flee from your presence? (Psalm 139). Though we may be isolated from other people, we can never be isolated from God.

So for those who suddenly find you have more time on your hands, use it to hear God - and share what you are hearing with us. 

Pray for those whose lives are more stressful than usual: working parents with children at home, NHS staff, teachers, delivery drivers. Pray for those who are anxious, fearful or depressed. 

Catch up on sleep! Prolonged stress takes its toll on our bodies.  If you're not travelling to work every day, take some time out.

Once this first week of isolation is over, I'm actually looking forward to getting into a routine of prayer, reading and study.... as well as some gardening! Let me know if you have a particular request for prayer. I shall be in church most days at 9.30 a.m.

Looking ahead, it would be really helpful to me to know how I can help us all continue to engage with God.  Maybe some bible study suggestions, or a short thought for the day.  Some churches are setting up interactive prayer and study groups using Zoom or Google Hangouts, or similar.  Let me know if you have any ideas, especially if there's something we can do to engage with our children and young people.

Finally, thank you so much for your many encouraging comments. I'm really grateful.

The Lord be with you.